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Ac i ffwrdd â chi! Ar antur trwy'r ystafell fyw gyda'r wagen gerddwyr hynafol hon. Cam wrth gam byddwch chi'n dysgu sut i gerdded, a bydd y wagen wthio hon yn eich helpu i gyrraedd yno. Felly dechreuwch eich injan a dychmygwch fod yn yrrwr y fan cŵl hon. Gall eich plentyn bach storio teganau ar gyfer chwarae dychmygus dan do neu ddod â nhw ar anturiaethau cerdded! Gwych ar gyfer datblygu cydbwysedd, cydsymud a sgiliau echddygol. A diolch i'r stribedi rwber ni fydd yn rhaid i chi boeni am eich llawr pan fydd eich plentyn yn mordeithio drwy'r ystafell.





And off you go! On adventure throughout the living room with this Vintage walker wagon. Step by step you learn how to walk, and this push wagon will help you get there. So start your engine and imagine being the driver of this supercool van. Your little one can store toys for imaginative play indoors or bring them with on walking adventures!  Great for development of balance, coordination and motor skills. And thanks to the rubber strips you will not have to worry about your floor when your child is cruising through the room.

Wagen Cerddad / Vintage Walker Wagon

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