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Cyn gynted ag y byddwch yn agor y pecyn coffi a brynwch mewn siop - woosh! - mae'r blasau blasus hynny'n dechrau colli eu pŵer. Yr ateb? Malwch eich ffa coffi eich hun, yn ffres wrth iddyn nhw ddod, gyda'r grinder coffi crank llaw golygus hwn o La Cafetière.


Store-bought coffee grounds are ticking time bombs. As soon as you open the packet – woosh! – those delicious flavours start to lose their power. The solution? Grind your own coffee beans, fresh as they come, with this handsome hand-crank coffee grinder from La Cafetière.


Grinder Coffi Dur Di-Staen / Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder

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