Daliwr Offer enamel clasurol, wedi'i saernïo yma mewn cyfuniad o ‘old rose’ & ‘Sulphur Yellow’.
Darn delfrydol ar gyfer y gegin neu'r ystafell ymolchi, mae ei faint a'i bwysau delfrydol yn ei wneud yn berffaith ar gyfer llwytho i fyny gyda llwyau, sbatwla, brwshys ac ati.
- Maint: 11.5cm D x 13 cm H
A classic enamel Utensil Holder, crafted here in a combination of Old Rose & Sulphur Yellow.
An ideal piece for the kitchen or bathroom, its ideal size and weight make it perfect for loading up with spoons, spatulas, brushes etc. it won't topple over!
- Maint: 11.5cm D x 13 cm H
Daliwr Offer Enamel Canolig / Medium Enamel Utensil Holder