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Gyda'i siâp organig, mae Clustog Kyoto crwn a streipiau glas yn berffaith ar gyfer y soffa ac fel clustog eistedd. Defnyddiwch y glustog ar gadair y gegin ar gyfer mynegiant croesawgar a chlyd. Nodweddir cyfres Kyoto gan fynegiant graffig a'r arwyneb unigryw a gweadog. Mae'r glustog wedi'i wehyddu mewn cotwm organig ac mae wedi'i lenwi â phlu. Rydym yn argymell golchi'r gorchudd clustog ar 30 ° - golchi tu mewn allan.

Lliw: Dusty Blue

Maint: 40cm


With its organic shape, the round and blue-striped Kyoto Cushion is perfect for both the couch and as a sitting cushion. Use the cushion on the kitchen chair for a welcoming and cozy expression. The Kyoto series is characterized by a graphic expression and the unique and textured surface. 

The cushion is woven in organic cotton and is filled with down and feathers. We recommend to wash the cushion cover on 30° machine wash – wash inside out.

Colour: Dusty Blue 

Size: 40cm

Clustog Crwn Kyoto Round Cushion

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