Ychwanegwch ychydig o natur i'ch cegin gyda'r menig popty dwbl annwyl hyn sydd wedi'u gorchuddio â darluniau draenogod swynol Sophie ar gefndir coedwig lliw ‘sage’. Byddant yn helpu i amddiffyn eich dwylo wrth dynnu prydau poeth o'r popty wrth ychwanegu golwg gwlad chwaethus i'ch cegin. Mae gan gefn y faneg a thu mewn i bob poced llaw haen thermol polyester ar gyfer amddiffyniad ychwanegol ac mae 'dolen' ddefnyddiol hefyd yng nghanol y faneg, felly gallwch chi ei hongian yn eich cegin.
Add a touch of nature to your kitchen with these adorable double oven gloves that are covered in Sophie's charming hedgehog illustrations on a forest sage coloured background. They will help protect your hands when removing hot dishes from the oven whilst adding a stylish country look to your kitchen. The reverse of the glove and inside each hand pocket has a polyester thermal layer for extra protection and there is also a handy 'loop' in the middle of the glove, so you can hang it up in your kitchen
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