Ydy hi'n amser coffi eto? Gweinwch a chwaraewch drwy'r dydd gyda'r gwneuthurwr coffi hyfryd hwn. Dewch â phaned ffres o goffi yn y bore i'ch mam a'ch tad. Neu gwahoddwch eich hoff ddoliau i'ch cornel coffi bach. Daw'r peiriant coffi pren hwn gyda dwy gwpan, dwy lwy a phump pod coffi gwahanol. Hoffech chi lungo, cappuccino, latte macchiato, coffi neu espresso? Mae plant wrth eu bodd yn dynwared defodau bob dydd eu rhieni fel mwynhau paned o goffi braf. Mae'r set hon yn wych ar gyfer chwarae smalio a bydd yn dod â'r barista bach allan yn eich un bach.
Is it time for coffee yet? Brew, serve and play all day with this lovely coffee maker. Bring your mum and dad a fresh cup of coffee in the morning. Or invite your favourite dolls to your little coffee corner. This wooden coffee machine comes with two cups, two spoons and five different coffee pods. Would you like a lungo, cappuccino, latte macchiato, coffee or espresso? Children love to mimic their parents' everyday rituals such as enjoying a nice cup of coffee. This set is great for pretend play and will bring out the mini barista in your little one.
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