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Gadewch i ni fynd ar antur! Ewch i mewn i'ch gwersyllwr a pharatowch ar gyfer diwrnod traeth hyfryd neu daith gyda'ch teulu. Peidiwch ag anghofio dod â'ch cês, bag traeth a bwrdd syrffio! Gellir dynnu to'r gwersyllwr pren vintage hwn, felly mae'r 4 ffiguryn pren yn ffitio y tu mewn yn hawdd. Gallwch agor y tinbren i storio'ch bagiau yng nghefn y gwersyllwr. Mae'r set chwarae gyflawn hon yn ysgogi chwarae dychmygus.


Let's go on an adventure! Get into your camper and prepare for a lovely beach day or a trip with your family. Don't forget to bring your suitcase, beach bag and surfboard! The roof of this vintage wooden camper can be removed, so the 4 wooden figurines easily fit inside. You can open the tailgate to store your luggage in the trunk of the camper. This complete play set stimulates imaginative playing.

Gwersyllwr Pren / Wooden Campervan

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