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Gadewch i ni adeiladu castell tywod! Dyma'ch hoff set newydd i ddod gyda chi i'r traeth neu'r pwll tywod. Ydych am gloddio twll? adeiladu cerfluniau tywod? neu gorchuddio'ch rhieni mewn tywod, casglu cregyn neu chwarae gyda dŵr, mae gan y set traeth hyfryd hon bopeth sydd ei angen arnoch. Gyda'r bwced, y rhaw a'r rhaca, y can dyfrio a'r sifter tywod bydd eich plentyn yn chware  am oriau. 



Let’s build a sandcastle! This is your new favourite set to bring along to the beach or sand pit. Whether you want to dig a hole, build sand sculptures, cover your parents in sand, collect shells or play with water, this lovely toy beach set Fresh Greens has everything you need. With the bucket, shovel and rake, watering can and sand sifter your little one is good to go for hours of fun in the sand.

Set Traeth / Beach Set - Fresh Green

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