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Cadwch eich dillad yn rhydd rhag llanast pobi ac amddiffynnwch eich hun rhag gollyngiadau coginio gyda'r ffedog cyw iâr hyfryd hon, sy'n rhan o'r casgliad cyw iâr o nwyddau cartref. Mae poced hwylus o flaen y ffedog sy’n berffaith ar gyfer dal eich offer coginio. Mae ieir maran brith yn eistedd ar y ffedog lwyd ddoeth gydag wyau rhyngddynt.

  • H 90 x W 72cm


Keep your clothes free from baking mess and protect yourself from cooking spillages with this wonderful Chicken apron, part of the Chicken Collection of homewares. There is a handy pocket at the front of the apron which is perfect for holding your utensils while you cook. Some quirky Speckled Maran hens sit on the sage grey apron with some white eggs dotted in between. 

  • H 90 x W 72cm

Ffedog Oedolyn Cyw Iâr / Adult Apron - Chicken

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