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Mae'r ffedog oedolyn hyfryd hon yn berffaith ar gyfer cadw'ch dillad yn rhydd rhag llanast pobi ac amddiffyn eich hun rhag gollyngiadau coginio. Wedi'i orchuddio â phabi coch, pinc a gwyn sy'n blodeuo, clychau'r gog Brydeinig gain, blodau'r ŷd, a digonedd o flagur ar gefndir tir niwtral cynnes. Mae'n siŵr o wneud datganiad haf. Mae poced handi, o flaen y ffedog, sy'n berffaith ar gyfer dal eich offer tra byddwch chi'n coginio.


This lovely adult apron is perfect for keeping your clothes free from baking mess and protecting yourself from cooking spillages. Covered in blossoming red, pink and white poppies, delicate British bluebells, cornflowers, and an abundance of buds on a warm neutral ground background it's sure to make a summer statement. There is a handy pocket, at the front of the apron, which is perfect for holding your utensils while you cook.

Ffedog Oedolyn / Adult Apron - Poppy Meadow

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