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Mae'r clustog sydd wedi’i lenwi a lafant yn helpu i ddiffodd, gadael straen ar ôl a dod i orffwys. Mae olewau hanfodol lafant yn lleddfu nerfusrwydd, anesmwythder ac anniddigrwydd mewn ffordd gwbl naturiol. Gall hefyd ei gwneud hi'n haws syrthio i gysgu. I gael yr effaith orau, ewch â'r gobennydd i'r gwely gyda chi a'i osod yn agos at eich pen.


The cushion with lavender filling helps to switch off, leave stress behind and come to rest. The essential oils of lavender relieve nervousness, restlessness and irritability in a completely natural way and can also make it easier to fall asleep. For the best effect, simply take the pillow to bed with you and place it close to your head.

Clustog Lafant / Lavender Cushion

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