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Bag cinio hwyliog a chwareus wedi'i orchuddio â merlod ffair ar gefndir pinc. Wedi'i wneud o bolyester sy’n ei wneud yn hawdd cadw’n lan, mae gan y bag pert hwn fanylion bynting a nodwedd penwisg. Yn gwneud bag cinio ysgol ardderchog ac yn paru'n berffaith gyda'r bag cefn Merlod Fair cyfatebol.


A fun and playful lunch bag covered in fairground ponies on a sweet pink background. Made from wipe-clean polyester, this pretty bag has bunting detailing and a headdress feature. Makes an excellent school lunch bag and pairs perfectly with the matching Fairground Ponies Backpack.

Bag Cinio Plant / Children's Lunch Bag - Fairground Ponies

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