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Dyma babi bach Rosa. Mae'r ddol selog Little Dutch yma eisiau cael ei chwtsio a'i chario o gwmpas. Bydd Rosa yn dod yn ffrindiau gyda phob merch fach neu fachgen. Gallant ei bwydo gyda’r botel neu ei thawelu gyda'r dymi. Gallant newid ei chewyn a lapio hi mewn blanced. Mae babi Rosa hefyd yn mwynhau mynd am dro yn ei basged deithio. Trwy ofalu am Rosa, mae plant yn dysgu i gymryd rôl ofalu mewn ffordd chwareus. Gallant ddweud eu holl gyfrinachau wrth babi Rosa. Ni fydd hi'n dweud wrth neb. Mae hi'n hynod o feddal i swatio yn ei herbyn, sy'n rhoi teimlad o ddiogelwch i blant.



Meet little baby Rosa. This sweet Little Dutch plush doll wants to be cuddled and carried around. Baby Rosa will become friends with every little girl or boy. They can feed her with the bottle or calm her down with the dummy. They can change her nappy and tuck her in with a blanket. Baby Rosa also enjoys going on a trip in her cute travel basket. By looking after Rosa, children learn to take up a caring role in a playful way. They can tell baby Rosa all their secrets. She won’t tell anyone. She is wonderfully soft to nestle up against, which gives children a feeling of safety.

Babi Dol / Baby Doll - Rosa

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