Beth sydd i frecwast?!? Gweinwch frecwast blasus i'ch rhieni, neu'ch hoff ddoliau, gyda'r set tostiwr pren hon. Paratowch y sleisys o fara yn y tostiwr trwy wthio'r lifer i lawr. Pan fydd y sleisys yn ymddangos, maen nhw'n barod i'w gweini. Ychwanegwch ychydig o fenyn, caws, marmaled neu wy wedi'i ffrio i gwblhau'r parti brecwast. Mae'r set hon hefyd yn dod â phlât pren a chyllell. Mae plant wrth eu bodd yn dynwared defodau bob dydd eu rhieni fel paratoi brecwast.
- 2+ mlynedd
What's for breakfast!? Serve your parents, or your favourite dolls, a tasty breakfast with this wooden toaster set. Prepare the slices of bread in the toaster by pushing down the lever. When the slices pop up, they are ready to serve. Add some butter, cheese, marmalade or a fried egg to complete the breakfast party. This set also comes with a wooden plate and knife. Children love to mimic their parents' everyday rituals such as preparing breakfast.
- 2+ years